plain by plane are sPeak = each letter is defined anatomically : an at 0m i c/ally e t0(0) the te l~l e a/ven d well

how this came to pass organically e tu` b re a.d. 0* pen ly e in st~e a.d. aye. g. a in/n s/at is f/act i 0n e ve/in &...

can be re a.d. at/a g/lan(d)ce in vi te t00 the quick ly e re b0und 0bliquel~ly e

S~pree m.0.

haul lies prague

a. m.eta p/h0~r for how a st/ate of b/ein g is tm ad?e in (') the t (r)a.d.~e

ricHR0at.ha~us Scene reel? pull-e-ye-s/t-e-all-? Seen re/all? w/hat' ave s/t~i'll t/ask m(e)ask & can~s w/e ar e me all an d/e all and/e all ag a i/n/n ~ st/e a.d.e

ricHR0at.i/s~up t0 me


'about' 2013 is probably a spec more informative at this time/in/g t0/0 this up date

& add 2 x t0/me a.d. just b.c. 0 pen ly e~ in st/e a.d. (e)ye c/c~an~s a.m.e ve/n~an d' sen t' each as he w/i'll e a/ve n e/e re p.r.e sent~ f/0/u/r w/hat w/0~0d e w/0uld h/ave n~ew/e the w/(h)ay e w/hey e b/b my T 0/D~ate t00 the re lay T

in~sigh t:L~ye

it is my be lea f* e/we are writing proprioreceptively across time competitive-ly verse/sus/s f0re c0/m/p l~eat i 0n e in/he/r~e n(')t ly e

it is my be lea f* e/we are writing proprioreceptively e with de si`re ac(h)r/0ss (0) time competitive-ly verse/sus/s f0re c0/m/p l~eat i 0n e in/he/r~e n(')t ly e

it is my be lea f* e/we are writing proprioreceptively e with de si`re ac(h)r is T/0ss (0/ve~r~y e) time competitive-ly verse/sus/s f0re c0/m/p l~eat i 0n e in/he/r~e n(')t ly e

(hr = h0/u/r e) *f can mean many t hing e, h~0w/e a/ve r~t, f x f i/s the frame work and fret work t00 the ne/t w/0r(e)k in g c0mp(l)e/at e l~ly e & eye speak in be t/ween (') the gap~s appreciable a.d. & uni verse al~ly e

i quest i 0n e the "gen/e/s is" of a word on-ly competive-ly defined: hype-pen(-i-)s = not st/anding p.r.i'me in fun c~t i 0n e : break f/a~s/t is the t~ruth you per si`eve. A.D.~a.m.~see D ay T able a.d. 0/0 r(e)in~g~g~

0 / zer0 is sign i fi can T (t00 the t0 t'all) + L0' s/s 0 w/e in~c all in/k~s well an~d 0'le d0/ve in/n~s0/m e~a.n d's 0/n e ve(i)n a~b 0ve t~g 0ve t~d 0ve t~c a/rt 0 (e)/n e all a pi n/e all a g(r)0~w/h0 e di/g i've i/n/n' s0w/e. g. 0 all e. g. 0 t0 g ether e s~0~wn d~0wn e t/0w~n e in/n fun~c t~i 0n e 0's's's's's 0 l e~ t high t(h)d~g 0/d d0/g ged ly e s0

xubrnt 2013 T hen

& pre sent ly e in~ st/e a.d.~e >

m14 m16 m19 m23

XUBRNT Art ^ Energy > Accessories v Design < Fabrication x Event !

Angela Cook Production

A b0ugh t m15 C0/n t~act m17 K n~ew/e's m20 +S~h0 p~s t m24